Monday, May 18, 2015

Grizzly Hills - ARCTURIS!

Server: Neltharion

(Updated May 15 2015)

18 Hours after tamed/ stag killed

Things you should know:
- Arcturis spawns on two spots. The spot given on is the one by the river. Arcturis has another spot that his mob, the stag, spawns (or arcturis himself spawns on too)

- Arcturis shares a timer with a stag that spawns next to another stag. The stag that shares the timer with arcturis is also known as "The Double Stag"
(pic coming soon)
- There is an 8% chance that Arcturis will spawn in 18 hours after his mob, the double stag, is killed. There is a 92% chance of the stag spawning instead. 
- Camping for Arcturis can take up to weeks (even months!) so you gotta be extra patient!

If you want Arcturis badly, first thing ya gotta do it to always avoid competition.
Well, best thing to do is to get rid of them like I always do ;).

- Get a trust-worthy friend to stand on the first spot (by the river) while you stand on the double stag spot
(best to get a rogue or druid because they can camo/hide on the spot)
- Or you can get someone who has skinning. It's best if you have the skill yourself. (will explain later)
- If you have the timer, ALWAYS be there an hour to half an hour early!
While waiting for the double stag to spawn, stay hidden near the spot he will spawn (if you are a night elf, stealthing will be easier for you as you have the racial to stay hidden without pressing the camouflage button every minute)
- Don't tell anyone you don't trust with the timer!

Getting the timer:
- A way to confuse rivals and competition getting Arcturis's timer is to mark the fake stag and keep killing him every time he spawns. When the double stag spawns instead you will know which stag is the double stag (unmarked stag is the double stag) that shares the timer with Arcturis. This is also another way to change the timer if someone you don't know (in my case, hate) knows the timer too.

Changing the timer:
- If a rival knows the timer too (often happens when they see you killing the double stag), the best way to keep the timer to yourself is to change it. 

Step One: Go to the stag spot early (and get a friend to stay by the river)
Step Two: Mark the fake stag (not the double one) and kill it over and over.
Step Three: Keep killing the normal stag. You will know when the real timer is when the real double stag spawns because he would be unmarked =)
Step Four: If you are killing the fake stag and the double stag spawns while your rival is in air, do not kill the double stag and keep killing the fake one! Your rival might think that you killed the double stag, and not the double stag! Once your rival hearthstones or logs off, thinking he stole the timer from you (which he didn't!), keep killing the fake stag and kill the real stag when you feel that your rival will think he lost the timer. (My friend killed the real stag and moved the timer TWO HOURS ahead after a few rivals thought we killed the real double stag and logged off!)

Being sneaky!
- The best way to hide the real timer even more is after you kill the fake stag, you skin it so the corpse disappears immediately 
- For safety reasons, if you feel that your rivals are stalking you (most of them will, trust me. I had enough experience to know), stay at Arcturis's spot for half an hour (or more) after you killed the double stag and then take your leave.

- Get a friend (who already has Arcturis) to cache rivalry huntards who are camping for your Arcturis!
- Invite and ask friends on both factions (horde and ally) to help and support your taming of Arcturis
- Get fully geared friends to help.. it'll be easier to get rid of your competition with other huntards
- It is best to be in a level 21+ guild because if Arcturis spawns by the river, they can summon you! Flying over to the spot will just waste time and reduce the chance that you will get Arcturis if there are other hunters flying back and forth from Arcturis's spots

Story Time!!!
How I tamed my Arcturis =)

Aight people! Here's my story on how I tamed my chubby lil Arcturis with the help of a rogue friend of mine. (he's a different friend from the one who helped me with Skoll)

Around three people (excluding me and my friend) knew the timer to Arcturis. There was a nemesis of mine (the half geared alliance hunter from Skoll who attacked the horde while he was starting to tame) and his little friend he uses. And guess who the little friend is? Petslayer. (scroll down to my first blog to see who this “Petslayer” is) Only thing that changed was his name which was “Thamar” now. 

<pic of Thamar coming soon>

I knew the huntard and Petslayer (he made an ally hunt called Betrayerr xD) don’t have Arcturis yet, and they knew I knew it too. They thought I have Arcturis, but they were wrong and I was glad they don’t know I don’t have the bear yet. The trick is to think outside the box when it comes to camping pets.. however the huntard and Petslayer were too dumb to know how. They don’t know that Arcturis has a higher chance of spawning by the river besides the double stag spot (three of my friends tamed by river, one of them tamed by stag). So being the smart hunter I always am, I got a friend to help me (who just happens to be another rogue, but not the same rogue who helped me with Skoll) and he stayed by the river while I stayed at the double stag spot and stay silent as the pair started making fun of me for being there. Petslayer asked why I was there and I responded to him “Just doing your job :)” and it freaked them both out. Petslayer then begun spamming “FUUUUUUUUU” to me but I couldn’t be bothered to /ignore him since I was enjoying the fact it ruffled him up. 

After a few more minutes of taunting them I started to get bored and just sat there, waiting for the double stag to spawn. That’s when my friend yelled “JACKPOT, HE’S HERE! COME QUICK!” in party chat and I mounted and flew to him as fast as I could (his teleport had CD and he warned me about it a min before Arcturis spawned). As I neared the river, I was shaking and quivering with excitement and fear, in case the hunter and Petslayer were following me. They didn’t. Either probably because the fact that I was gone made them thought I gave up on camping next to them.

As I landed down, my NPC scanner went off and there was Arcturis—standing still and proud, waiting to be tamed by me.

A few seconds after I tamed the rare Arcturis, I dismissed him (so no one will see that I just tamed him) and started to spam in my party chat “OMG <name> OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH <name>!!!” I was really excited and happy, lemme tell you that.. so excuse me for my spam xD

What a pity and achievement.. tamed Arcturis right in front (not exactly :p) under the nose of the hunter AND Petslayer! The fact that I managed to “steal” another pet from the same huntard (whom I “stole” Skoll from) made my day even more. Many thanks to my rogue friend who helped me <3 I was glad that I was lucky enough to tame this magnificent beast with the help of a true friend~ :*

Just to aknowledge my thanks, I named my Arcturis after my friend =)

Good luck, fellow hunters =) May the odds be ever in your favor!

<Sorry for the long ass, confusing blog T_T Leave a question below if you have any! More pics will be coming up soon>

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Storm Peaks - SKOLL!

Server: Neltharion

(Updated May 7 2015)

18 Hours after tamed/ dwarf killed

Things you should know:
- Skoll spawns on three spots given on

- Skoll shares a timer with a dwarf that spawns in front of a cave on his first spot 
(pic coming soon)
- There is an 8% chance that Skoll will spawn in 18 hours after his mob, the dwarf, is killed. There is a 92% chance of the dwarf spawning instead. 
- Camping for Skoll can take up to weeks (even months!) so you gotta be extra patient!
(pic coming soon)

If you want Skoll badly, first thing ya gotta do it to always avoid competition.
Well, best thing to do is to get rid of them like I always do ;).

- Get two trust-worthy friends to stand on the second and third spot while you stand on the first
(best to get a rogue or druid because they can camo/hide on the spot)
- While waiting for the dwarf to spawn, stay hidden near the spot he will spawn (if you are a night elf, stealthing will be easier for you as you have the racial to stay hidden without pressing the camoflauge button every minute)
- Don't tell anyone you don't trust with the timer! (until after you tame Skoll ofc)

- Get a friend (who already has Skoll) to cache rivalry huntards who are camping for your Skoll!
- Invite and ask friends on both factions (horde and ally) to help and support your taming of Skoll
- Get fully geared friends to help.. it'll be easier to get rid of your competition with other huntards
- It is best to be in a level 21+ guild because if Skoll spawns on one of the other two spots your friends are on, they can summon you! Flying over to the spot will just waste time and reduce the chance that you will get Skoll if there are other hunters flying back and forth from Skoll's spots

Story Time!!!
How I tamed my Skoll =)

Aight people! Here's my story on how I tamed my beautiful Skoll with the help of a rogue friend and a druid friend of mine.

There were many hunters who knew the timer such as the three horde hunters (one geared, one half geared, the other is a 100k noob) and two alliance hunters who just happened to be the same person on different accounts. I was standing on Bor's Breath (second spot on map) with one of the two alliance huntards, the half geared hordie, and the 100k noob. My druid friend was on the first spot while my rogue friend was on the third spot. I managed to kill both of the hordies (2 v 1) and flew up in air with my mount. A few minutes after the designated time, my druid friend screamed on party chat saying that Skoll spawned where she was. So I flew over as fast as I could and there was Skoll—standing still and proud, waiting to be tamed.

I dismounted and hurridly casted Tame Beast as I was shivering with anxiousness and excitment. Suddenly the noob hunter teleported-hacked in front of me and tried to tame my Skoll. And right behind him was the half geared hordie. He tried killing Skoll while I was taming and I was frightened for Skoll's death. My druid friend was quick thinking and cycloned the nab and violá, Skoll became mine <3.

A few seconds after I tamed the rare Skoll, my druid friend and I killed the noob and half-geared hunter. While I was cheering for my lovely new pet, the geared hunter suddenly swooped down and attacked me with his ghostcrawler. My friend wanted to attack but I told her not to and I /hugged and /kissed my Skoll while the hunter was slowly lowering my health to 0.

After taking a few screenshots with my pet, I later realized that one of the two alliance huntards and the geared hunter was waiting along with my druid friend for Skoll. And when Skoll spawned, things grown ugly. The geared hunter started taming first but then the alliance huntard started to attack him and they both died during the fight which was the same time when I was taming my Skoll.

What a pity and achievement.. tamed Skoll in front of three hordes and two (one?) alliance hunter! I nearly lost Skoll thanks to that annoying piece of half geared huntard (he is one of my enemies) and I was glad that I was lucky enough to tame this magnificent beast.

Aight people, you're probrably wondering why I was camping at Bor's Breath and not at the dwarf spot (first spot)— It's because five dwarfs before I tamed Skoll, my friend, the druid, tamed Skoll on Bor's Breath. What a coincidence that my druid was camping there and I summoned her over to tame Skoll! And the funny thing was that those three hordes were there to witness my friend tame Skoll too xD.

The power of friendship and trust is true :p This is why you should gather some friends like me to help you with camping x)

Good luck, fellow hunters =) May the odds be ever in your favor!

<Sorry for the long ass blog +_+>