Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pets Coming Soon!

- Jadefang
Very rare shale spider with a glowing green skin

- Amthea
Shale spider with a pink skin

Twilight Highlands:
- Karoma
Rare spirit wolf
(a different type of wolf than Skoll)

- Sambas
The only tamable lion with a mane
(available to Marksmanship and Survival spec)

- Terrorpene
A very rare and huge fire turtle.
(The only fire turtle that can be tamed)

- Madexx
A rare scorpion with either five different colors of skin 
(dark blue, red, black, green, and brown)
However, only blue is known to spawn in Neltharion.

Vashj'ir(Abyssal Depths):
- Ghostcrawler
A rare crab with a ghost-like skin

Blogs on Spirit beasts:

Blogs on other rares:
-King Krush
-Terror Spinner

Coming Soon!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mount Hyjal - ANKHA, MAGRIA, BAN'THALOS! (still camping)

Server: Neltharion

I am still camping for them and comparing screens to find out timer.

Map of where the pets spawn:

Timer: Unknown

Ankha only has one spot. He spawns a little bit down by the two trees.

^First time I found Ankha^

^Second time I found Ankha^
<Ankha #2 was for my bf but then some other huntard took it 
while I was bringing my bf's hunt over>

Timer: Unknown
Magria has one spot only which is between the three trees and next to the core hound.

Timer: Unknown
Ban'Thalos is a pain in the butt. He spawns very high by the Sanctuary of Malorne. His flight path is from his spawn spot to the hill behind Magria's spot.

My bf tamed Ban'Thalos on the hill behind Magria's spot. He was camping Magria when his NPC scanner went off for Ban'Thalos. 


Server: Neltharion


8 hours

Things you should know:
- He spawns on each spot given on
- There is a 50% chance that Gondria will spawn on each spot after a restart/DC
- If you are too lazy to camp Magria and Ankha, you should get Gondria as he shares almost the same skin as them. (however he is not immune to cc's)

<So far I've only got one screen of Gondria at this spot where the stone statue is. 
I will add in more later.>

Terror Spinner

Timer: 8 hours

Things you should know:
- He spawns on two spots only
- There is a 100% chance that Terror Spinner will spawn after a restart/DC

<So far I've only got a screen of Terror Spinner spawning on the same spot. I did not take a screen on his second spot (forgotten to take it and my friend tamed it)>

Good luck!


Server: Neltharion

Timer: 3 Hours
Timer starts when he gets killed/tamed.

Things you should know:
- Loque'Nahak spawns near the mammoth by the river where Shango the tiger is. 
- He spawns there only AFTER the restart/DC. (I will get a better picture when I see him again)
- He is a passive mob, so he will not attack you. However, before you hit that tame button, put an ice trap and step back before hitting the button to tame.
- You need to be at least lvl 76 to tame this beautiful spotted leopard.

Timer: Usually after restart/DC, 12-24 hours

Things you should know:
- Aotona only spawns in the two pictures below. (Around the white circle I drew on the map)
- He doesn't fly up too high and he is high enough for you to shoot him once and pull him down.
- If you are high-geared and afraid to shoot him since you might kill him, just fly up to him and fly down. 
- Aotona is an aggressive mob and he will attack you.
- For lowbies (lvl 80-) taming this beast, use an Ice Trap since Aotona does enough damage to kill you.
- You need to be at least lvl 75 to tame this blue/purple pet.

v First spot v
Rainspeaker Canopy

<Updated on Sunday, March 15>
v Second spot v
Wildgrowth Mangal

I was flying around with my druid, helping my friend look for Sholzar Basin pets
and we stumbled into Aotona.

King Krush
Timer: Usually after a restart/ DC, 12-24 Hours
Timer starts after he gets killed/tamed.

Things you should know:
- King Krush usually spawns in two places. He spawns on the right side of The Glimmering Pillar or on the left of The Skyreach Pillar (near Pitch, but more down from the map and near the flying bugs).

- King Krush might have other spawn spots, but so far I only see him in these two spots.
- King Krush is an aggressive mob and he will attack you.
- For lowbies (lvl 80-) taming this beast, use an Ice Trap since King Krush does enough damage to kill you.
- You need to be at least lvl 75 to tame this green devilsaur.

1st spot
The Glimmering Pillar

2nd spot
The Skyreach Pillar

NOTICE!!!! (Read this)

I've been doing a little bit of camping, and I realized that every time after a server restart or DC, 2/3 of these pets spawn. Loque'Nahak is a 100% spawn chance while Aotona and King Krush have a 50% spawn chance (they share timer).

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The "Pet-slayer", now known as "Thamar"

Server: Neltharion

February 8, 2015
Human Warrior

It looks like this asshole is off killing pets in Sholazar Basin, killing the common leopard Loque'Nahak and refusing to let those people who just need a spirit beast that bad to tame it. It is obvious that he searched for Ghostcrawler, as he gotten the Burgy Blackheart's Hat.

I have seen him in Vash'jir while checking for Ghost Crawler and everyday he makes the same threat: He will kill Ghost Crawler. 

I've already warned my horde friends his name and they will make sure to get rid of him if they see him anywhere.

Yep, he's definitely going for the Hyjal pets that I am camping at the moment. I laughed when he said that, because I'm pretty sure the pets will kill him before he does since he is a low 120k.

Updated on Tuesday May 19:
- Petslayer changed his name to Thamar

- He has a hunter called Betrayerr